Monday, July 28, 2008

White water rafting and evening party

Its Friday 25/7/08 and we are travelling over night to a river where we can go white water rafting about 100 KM from Mumbai, it was a grueing journey but spirits were high and there was a good turn out since it was open to all Capita staff. Heres Nelly sleeping it off.

Heres the gang singing Hindi songs

After a 5 hour journey, we arrived theres not many pictures due to heavy rain, but this is us getting ready for white water rafting.

Manisha & Lin showing their wet side

These 3 didn't want to get wet until they had to.
Eventually we went rafting after a 2 hour wait and it was 150 minutes of pure bliss

After the rafting there was a 3 hour journey back to the hotel, so you can imagine how shattered we were. Worse still we had this double bed to share between the 5 of us, don't ask how we managed.

Its Saturday evening 26/7, we've rested a bit and were ready to party, Danny, Nelly and Jamie prepaing to tank themselves up

While we are here, we may as well get a few group photos

Jamie with Manisha and Lin

At last me and Nishit, for once I've got the chance to meet him socially, I'd better not say anything bad here, I'm relying on him to get me back to Mumbai, since he is the boss.

Heres a shot of one of the entertainment laid on for us, these guys and gals have been practicing and hour a day before they started work and boy did they put on a show for us.

Lin, these awards are for those who have worked hard, how hard have you worked Lin? I'll say no more but you can dream lin

Collections seem to have won some prize for doing work, sounds familure

Another group photo, but this time its all SME's with Lin & Manisha

Me and Vijay

This is a wedding show put on for us SME's to show us what an Indian wedding is like

You don't get opportunities like this every day and so I take full advantage, me looking like a tramp and Smitha in a saree

Me being greedy, I asked for another shot, I know i've got nothing to do with transfers but who cares, Smitha's nice

Nelly & Smitha

Jamie & Smitha

This I guess is the best, the transfers team with Smitha in the georgeous saree

Me and Pankaj from retirements both looking very happy

The night is young and the bollywood tunes are going down a treat.

Lin laughing

Lin boogying

Kriselle letting her hair down, first time we've seen her out socially and boy is she a great dancer

Me Kriselle and Smitha, these are rare opportunities for me (and them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

As you can see Kriselle is not too keen on holding my arm, who could blame her

Smitha too is a great dancer, boy can she move

Alot of happy looking faces

Nelly and Nishit, posing, Nelly putting on his work clothes, saves him from changing when he gets back to work

Heres everyone doing the rain dance at last the monsoons come. Lin and Manisha getting ready for the wet teeshirt competion

Nelly's tie has moved up to his fore head, thats what happens with loads of booze down you

Its times like this that I wish it was me lying on Manisha's chest

Heres us groving and as you can see Kriselle is not one bit shy

Jamie with Reena

Manoj on the left from Deaths and Balaji in the middle 2 cracking guys
and Danny looking the part.

Nelly's getting to love Bollywood tunes

This is how you do the pillar dance as demonstrated by Kavin on the right

No blog can go without a shot of me Lin and Manisha

Heres the deaths team, Danny, Manoj, Vijay and Stone cold

Manoj and Danny both completely wet from rain dancing

These are all good memories

Danny and Vijay looking happy

Can't forget Stone Cold

Balaji and Jamie, 2 professional footballers, with Balaji looking the part

This was the sleeping arrangements, next to Allan was me, Danny Nelly and Jamie shared the double bed, that photo cannot be published for obvious reasons, but I have it in my private collection.
All that I can say about that is that there was a full tub of vasaline at night and in the morning it was empty

Me and Balaji, yes its acceptable

Stone cold and Ballaji

The party's over and its sunday 27/7/08 and its time to play games in the water.

As you can see, this is a great setting for water games

Here you go, this is what we were upto that morning, fun ain't it.

This is the mountain that you can view from where we are at the resort

Don't really need an umbrella guys

Heres me completely soaked

Yes its still raining with me doing a silly pose

Heres me and Damodar, hes full of energy

Well we are on our way home now after a hectic weekend, heres Nelly taking a leak after getting me to get the coach driver to pull up for a second

Yes your not the only ones shattered, next its a night at the posh night club called Bling

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