Sunday, July 13, 2008

JW Marriot - Enigma club

Welcome everyone to Enigma night club at JW Marriott on Friday 12/7/08. This is the place which is frequented by Bollywood stars, unfortunately, that night, there were no stars to be seen, but when you have a bunch of misfits like me, Ryan, Nelly, Chai, Laura, Gemma, Dipak, Diksha, Allan, Linthoi and Manisha, who needs Bollywood stars to make a night of it. Irene decided not to come and wanted to spend the evening with Nera since it was her last day. Danny had very bad stomach pains so he did not come and Andrew Durham does not like night clubs decided to pass on this one. Well thats the intro out the way with, and without any further a do, lets get the show on the road.

Nelly reaching high places

Nelly with girls, hang on arn't they my girls????????? Only joking, they arn't mine, you enjoy yourself Nell.

Me with girls hoping for a kiss, yes i was pushing the boat out a bit.

Manisha and Lin looking dapper

Chai as ever not missing out on a night out.

Chai with girls, looking cool with what looks like alcohol

me trying to look cool and failing miserably by the looks of things, yes I feel sorry for Manisha, I ruined the picture for her.

Yes your right I don't need shades to look cool.

Dipak and Diksha, they arent an item and they are both single, lets see if we can fix them up by the evening.

but could i spoil the party

not sure what their upto here, lots of fingers going up implying something

me & Gemma getting close

me and my pal Dipak, by the way, does anyone like my shirt.

Its still an early night and lots more of this to come

Allan admitted that he enjoyed Enigma more than Rock Bottom, he's face seems to prove that, or is it because hes in the company of girls

Nelly with lots of women, I think I need a wide angle lens

Come on everyone, squeeze in

Could we ever get away with doing this in a UK night club, doubt very much.

Allan getting in with the girls

The beers going down well now

Dipak and Laura rocking the night away to Bollywood tunes back to back

Me and Nelly enjoying the night

Diksha and Nelly enjoying themselves

I'm still working on them two, I think its going to plan

Yes I've lost count as to how many Kingfishers I've had and so has Gemma by the looks of things.

Looks like a bunch of crazy people out there.

Don't know what it is about Mumbai, but it sure can change people, boy is he looking mean.

Up yours too!!!!!!!!!!!!

Although Chai does not drink alcohol, lemonade does crazy things to him.

Boy Manisha is some cracking girl, pity she's married.

This man is no longer Allan Desmond, he's now Stone Cold Steve Austin from WWE, he sure knows how to pose with Gemma.

I think Nelly wants to be a wrestler as well, here he is practicing his strangle hold on Gemma.

I think Chai needs to clean his tongue, I'm only saying that since he spoilt my picture.

It definately needs cleaning now, its been hanging out for some time now, hi Laura, I'm impressed, you seem happy to have a photo next to me, are you drunk or something?

That looks more sensible

Well Dipak, don't look too surprised, express yourself, heres your chance

Mumbai Zindabad!!!!!!!

Great mates these two are

There you go, got there at last, who needs (Indian dating agency)

Gemma's keeping quiet about a secret on Stone Cold

No theres no secrecy here

Here they all are struting their struts to Bollywood music

I think I'm feeling sleepy now, its been a late night, but not for Gemma by the looks of things.

Ah alright you enjoy yourself Dipak, you only live once.

Thats me on Lins lap, making Ryan jealous, and since I've lost weight, I'm not that heavy.

Hmmmm, Lin you certainly have had a good few to drink, nice pose though.

Well we are comming to the end of the evening now, one final picture to round off the night.

No Lin hasn't passed out, but I do wish Chai would take that picture quick, this could sure do my back in.
And no I aint carrying her home, she lives 20 kilometers away.
Cheerio everyone, tune in to Poison night club next week, where there will be more of the same. This time hopefully Danny will be better and Jamie will be joining us. Friday 18/7/08, my last night before I fly back to UK for a few days. Hope you enjyed this.

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