Thursday, July 17, 2008

Irene's walk to Work + Gemma's last day

Its 17/07/08 and I've pursuaded Irene & co to walk to work, even though top managers told Irene not to walk as it was dangerous, I told her to ignore them and so she did, heres the deadly foursome Nelly, Jamie, Irene & Becky walking the talk.

You may recognise this chapatti maker, we get on very well now. Irene has promised to learn how to make chapatti's and she plans to invite me to her house for and Indian dinner, that will be interesting.'
Incidently, I think I'm in trouble with Nishit, he thinks I'm a bad influence, I'm gonna have to avoid him now. No-one here regretted the walk, it was interesting seeing the sites and sounds of everyday life in Mumbai and seeing Irene mobbed by beggers for money & food.
Here we are back at he hotel, Becky and Irene having a shot with possibly the sweetest lady in Mumbai, let me introduce you to Sakina, and yes, theres no pictures of me or me with women in this blog, instead, I've done one thing better, I've got sakina's mobile number, its 98206 ah!!!! I'm not that dumb.

Well all good things come to an end, Gemma its time to go and what a blast you've had, me, Nelly and Laura came down at 2.00am to see her off.
As you can see, Gemma's putting up a brave face, but believe me, she's holding it all in, even her chest

There was no way she was going without a shot with an ex Indian army doorman.

Even Laura could't resist him.

This man has always opended the car door for Gemma.

Well Gemma Jugs, its finaly time to go, and good riddence to, ha ha, only joking, hope you have a good flight and I'll see you Tuesday 22nd.
All being well, my next blog will be in Poison night club with all who can hack it.

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