Sunday, July 6, 2008

A day out with the ladies

Well today is 5/7/2008, the day after the night club party. Woke up late with a small hangover from the previous nights clubbing and arranged with Linthoi and Monisha to go shopping for a sari for Rajani, well lets face it, what do I know about choosing a sari, besides the section outing to Saroj Water Park was cancelled due to too many drop outs. That happened to be a blessing in disguise and you will see why later. Anyway after showing a photo of Rajani, we agreed to meet at Paaneri which we did as you see above and suprisingly served by the same person we saw last christmas.

I think you will agree this is a better shot of us all in Paaneri, with a few choice saris

Lets start with a mini fashion show, what do you think Rajani? Do you like this one?

Or maybe this one?

I think this suits Linthoi more, quite expensive but I may even buy it for her, oh sorry Rajni I'm shopping for you arn't I.

Hmm very tasty don't you think? Well Rajani, hope you like this one because all 3 of us agreed on this one for you, please don't say you don't like this!!!!!!

After shopping for saris, the next was a surprise, the girls took me to Calaba Causeway and this is what we got up to, more shopping.
Unfotunately, the girls were not looking at me when I took this shot, lets see if we can improve on this.

Thats better girls you look much better when your smiling.

Calaba is full of shops selling nik naks and teeshirts, so we spent about 2 hours there, spending money (lots of it).

After a hard days shopping, we popped into the famous Leopold, it may not be a great looking place but it is frequented by many foreigners and this place has appeard in English films. The food was excellent as well as the company of course, cheers everyone.
Funny thing is I get paid an inconvenience fee for all this, work that out.

We were a bit rushed here but I wanted to show you the shirt that the girls had bought me, but no worries I will try it on one day and show you in my later bloggs.
We are now comming to the end of this blog, but theres a tiny bit more to come.

What better way to end a fantastic day by taking the girls on a horse and carriage ride.

I think this is a better picture than the one above. Spotted the roses?

Yes everyone, there was no way I could let the girls go home empty handed after such a brilliant day.

This picture says it all.

This I guess puts the finishing touches to one hell of a day.
If I said to Rajani to go and find herself a good solicitor, what do you think her response will be? Answers on a post card.
Boy do I love Mumbai and I really don't want to come back to UK
Happy suffering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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