Thursday, July 17, 2008

Hard Rock cafe round 2

Welcome again to Hard Rock cafe Mumbai for more fun and games, this time we have me, Ryan, Jamie, Danny, Stone Cold, Laura, Chai, Gemma, Nelly and the 3 Scots, Michael, Collin & Mark, the others could not come for various reasons. Well as you can see, the music is rocking and the beers are going down well.
Heres me & Jamie getting ready to enjoy the evening.

Gemma pushing herself in place

Nelly attempting the YMCA, that white patch you see at the bottom is Stone Colds head

Me & Ryan looking serious, I think a smile is due from either of us.

Well go on, I'll play ball, heres me with a few of the Hard Rock cafe staff smiling

Yes they both look wasted

Now you know why Gemmas wasted

But she recovered well for some lasting memories, Nelly, please get out of the way

Thats better, this is the only way to have good memories on your last but one day.

This turned out well. Who's the women?????

Yea I agree, not exactly the best shot of us

Stone Cold looking colder than ever

Unfortunately, Ryan's health went from bad to worse, he did not even came to work next day, come on Ryan, get better and then you can enjoy yourself

Heres the 3 of us looking chirpy

Thats innocent isnt it, but wait till you see the next one.

I understand that certain rumours have been circulating about Nelly in the UK, well I hope this shot puts an end to those rumours, since this is the real story, Nelly loves dollys, quite literally.

Well that the end of the evening now, as this is Gemma's last night out, she got wasted only because she wanted to put out of her memory the fact that she is having to go back home. Heres Chai turning to the other sex.

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