Sunday, August 3, 2008

Nelly's birthday at Hard Rock and the lads finale harar

Its 31/8/08 and its Nelly's birthday, it started at work where we sang hapy birthday and the transfers team sang the Indian version of happy birthday, Nellys face was a site for sore eyes especially when he got the traditional cake in his face from Jamie. In the evening, it was off to Hard Rock where a live band was playing

The tunes they were singing were were well appreciated

This time, we were joined by Lin and Manisha who had never been to Hard Rock, Jamie has the responsibility of looking after the girls, a job he does well.

Danny just cant get enough of Kingfisher bottles

This is the guy who sings the rock tunes

Is that a chip Manisha's about to put into her mouth??

Just for tonight, Jamie works for FHM magazine and he wants to review Mumbai clubs, well thats what he said to the chap outside as there was a huge queue when we got there, had it not of been for his wit, we would not have got in.

Stone Cold looking with red eyes and the birthday boy is well and truely glazed.

Respect to you Jamie, you got us in and cheated the queue.

Thought I'd try a different pose with the girls

Well this is the last photo of Hard Rock and Nelly's birthday and boy what a birthday he has had. Happy birthday mate, now get ready for your final night out.

Its Friday 01/08/08 and the lads final day before they fly out in the early hours of 4.00am Saturday morning.
We've come to Hawain Shack, its suppose to be a happening place. You'll see from this blog if it is the case. Heres Gary Dexter with his girlfriend

and again

You can just make out one of Stone Cold's red eye peering out from Nelly's neck

You may be pointinng at me Chai but Nelly wants your ear badly

Some very concerned looks here.

A word or a kiss in your ear Depak!!!!!!

You will see from this shot that Hawain shack is most definately a happening place, no traditional Indians here and the place is rammed


Chai has got to answer a few questions, why did'nt he tell us about this place.

Come on Chai answer, you know Hawain Shack is suppose to be the place to go, why did you not mention this place?

Thats the dumbest face you've pulled bagpus

Well say goodbye, were comming to the end now and all good things have to end.
The good thing is I pulled them out 15 mins early so that we could all pop round the corner to Toto's which is Nishits Friday night hang out place.

Heres the guys following me to meet Nishit at Toto's

There they are, one last group photo before you fly out. Nishit, these guys love Mumbai and they've had a blast.

Heres the final shot of the guys leaving for the airport.

Have a good trip guys and I'll see you back in the UK, except Danny who I will see in Mumbai in 2 weeks time.

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