Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Meet the whole team (no wind up this time)

My last blog was a little bit of a wind up as you may have guessed, so this time, I'll be a bit more sensible and introduce you to the whole team. I couldnt quite get Ryan, Andy & Laura in but we intend at some stage to take a shot with all of us in. (For non Capita readers Ryan Laura and Andy are the other 3 trainers who came to Mumbai with me.) For Capita readers, its always good to have names to faces.

These are the guys in my team from left to right, Nikil, Sunny, Aberjeet and Linthoi. Nikil's the manager of the whole team in the first picture above and the other 3 are the ones I will be training. From this shot you may have spotted that Sunny is the joker of the pack with his fingers above Linthoi's head

This is Laura and Andys team. Starting from left to right, you have the Kriselle, Monisha, Laura Jinny, Rohan and Jeevan. Laura is training Monisha & Kriselle and Andy is training the other 3. Unfortunatelly, we are missing Prakesh who is on Laura's team not sure where he was when we were doing the photo shoot. A special mention to Kriselle as it is her birthday today 02/07/2008 so many happy returns.

This is Ryan and my team, the 2 that Ryan is training is Depak 2nd from left and Seema who is to my left in blue. The rest you know.

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