Thursday, July 3, 2008

Hard Rock Cafe

Well here we are again, another night and another nights entertainment, it gets better and better. I've had a few e-mails saying that its torture seeing these shots, well unfortunately, you'll just have to get use to extreme torture, since theres more to come. J W Marriot still awaits me. In the meantime let the torture continue, take a look at these.

Let me introduce you to Diksha on the left and Vijay on the right from payments team.

Left to Right, Chai, Laura & Nikil

The one in the middle is Smitha, she is Jackie Halley's opposite no (Capita readers will understand)

Nelly on the right always likes to be dfferent.

Not bad hey, they make a nice couple

The new arrivals to Mumbai on the left Danny and Allan (in yellow),

Well you know me I wasn't gonna miss out.

Me, Smitha and Nelly having a blast

That Chai gets everywhere, he just won't let us take a decent pose, thats why we had to take the pose again which you saw above and someone had to pull Chai out.

Great gal Smitha is, Mumbai Zindabad!!!!!

Rajni, take note!!!!!!!!

We like to get the most of this since getting Nikil to come out with us is like getting blood out of a stone, good to see him having a good time.

Hows the pain everyone!!!!!!!!!!!

Charlies Angels

Before I was the only Indian in the office with grey hair, I really felt left out. I guess this shot with my amigo Nikil is an improvement.

A special mention to Kevin from the payments team, he has a great singing voice.

Well everyone after this, sliding down the sharp end of a razor blade would seem real bliss.
I'll let you recover now, I need to get ready for JW Marriot and this time its not just us and the Mumbai managers, its the team as well and who knows I may even meet a Bollywood star or two and if I'm really lucky it could even be Rani Mukerjee. Chhaya is your blood boiling!!!!!!!!
ps As always theres an icing on the cake, the cost of this evening to me & everyone there (food & booze) came to nil, Capita picked up the bill. Capita has my respect!!!!!!!! cheerio everyone until the next time.

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