Saturday, July 5, 2008

Party Party Party in Mumbai

Welcome viewers to Rock Bottom night club, theres been a change of plan, JW Marriotts will be frequented by us another day. This shot is to show how wealthy young Mumbaians enjoy a Friday night out (4/7/08) at Rock Bottom.

This time we had the privalage of having Linthoi and Monisha clubbing it with us.
If any of you have any views that Indians were backwards, well I hope this changes your minds.
Nice moves girls go for it!!!!

Say no more

This Danny Millington is a real smoother, I think we are going to have to keep an eye out on him, he seems to be a big flirter.

Allan on the left letting whats left of his hair down.

Danny Danny Danny what are you up to!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not exactly the perfect shot but I think you get the picture.

Danny flirting yet again, no one has any idea who this pretty young girl is, however I think Danny wants to. I'll let you on a secret, on the way home Danny said he wants to move to Mumbai and marry an Indian girl and this is only his first week. Mumbai Rocks!!!!!

Go for it girls!

Chai will we ever get a decent pose from you?

This has been an ambition of mine, to have a photo shot with young Laura but as always, Gemma has to get in the way.

Note I vowed never to call Laura 'Maguire' anymore, we've come to a mutual agreement after she said a very hurtful word to me.

Vaipav & Laura, this is one hell of a pose. Vaibhav may not look it but he is a pure Indian not from UK. You would'nt think that would you?

Give it a week or two and even Laura will become Indian.

Me and Allan, good man Allan is, hopefully he will change that ridiculous shirt or is it mine that needs changing.

Hmmm, again I won't say anything, but I think Rajani might have a few words to say.

Nelly Nelly Nelly what are you doing to Allan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've always wanted a photograph with my mate Vaibhav, but that Gemma is not going to let us.

Oh well if you can't beat them join them.

Danny's still on his feet and Gemma's still on form, no change there.

At last me and Nelly, but yes I agree I could do with a smile. Believe it or not at 2.00 am he and Gemma have to catch a plane to Goa, some stamia they have.

Arn't they lovely

Can we move onto the next picture please and be quick about it.

Wow, Linthoi & Monisha looking cracking

And finally to end, me and Chai. Chai's the man who organises all of our outings and night outs, somehow I think he looks a bit too serious, no the booze has not got to him, he's tee total.

Well folks what can I say, hope you enjoyed my suffering!!!!!!!!!!!! see you next time.

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