Thursday, July 10, 2008

Weekend 13/7/08 & 14/7/08

Good morning everyone, its Saturday morning and Laura and Gemma have decided to get their nails done, me Chai and Nelly tagged along for the ride. Heres me on the roundabout waiting for them.
Having got tired of waiting for them, we decided to go for coffee. Heres Chai at a famous coffee bar at Locumwalla (I've probably spelt it wrong but no worries), this is where they filmed the 'Shoot out at Locumwalle' Bollywood film.

Heres me showing concern about diabetes.

You know I was't going to miss out on a swingy seat

Well its been 3.5 hours and this is the result, a very upset Laura, they messed up her nails.

Gemma wasn't too pleased either, I kept well out of her way that day

After the nailing episode, we all made our way to Inorbit to meet Nikil since he had invited us to his house that day.

Here we all are at Nikils where we met his family. Nikil's wife Ritu is infront of Nikil and the girl in pink is Nikils sister who popped over to see us as well.

I believe this truely defines Indian hospitality, something that we are not accustumed to but we should be. Not one person from our group regretted comming to Nikils place.

After Nikils place, we went back to the hotel, where me and Nelly were recognised as superstars, and theres a whole blog devoted to that.

Its Sunday morning and we've decided to go to the cinema to watch Hancock on recliner seats, here we are getting ready for the movie.

Those with sharp eyes will have noticed 2 large boxes of popcorn next to Ryan, the small pack of popcorn that Ryan is holding is mine. But the question is where did the big box of popcorn end up? In Ryans stomach or on the floor. Well yes you guessed right Ryan has not changed, he dropped it all over me as i was sittting next to him.

This may give you a better idea of recliners

Well that was a thoroughly enjoyable film and here we are after the film posing infront of the camera, Chai & Gemma as usual trying to ruin a perfectly good photo with me, Meril and her boyfriend, lets see if we can do better next time.

Girly pose

Group pose, this time we have Irene joing the motley crewe

Gemma asked me to take some shots of her team, here they are

Still no good, Chai is still there with a grining Laura in the background causing mischief.

Would have been a good shot of me and Meril had it not of been for Colin trying to make a strange exit from the scene.

A different combination of Gemmas team

OK Gemma, I promise to pass on all these photographs to you

All good memories to show your grand children

This too

After the photoshoot, its back to the hotel, and heres Irene, Cherry and Ryan enjoying the ride in a Rickshaw

After dropping everyone off at the hotel, me and the 3 scottish guys decided to go to Leopoulds at Calaba. I wanted to go shopping for teeshirts for my team in UK and the Scottish guys just wanted to get hammered, and I think we all got what we wanted. Heres a shot of the necklas at Chapati beech

This is the 4 of us at the necklas, then it was straight back to the hotel.

Got back to the hotel and here they all are at the Peshwari with their bibs on. Unfortunely as you can see, Lauras head has got in the way but you can just make out Jamie face. Yes everyone in the UK, Jamie has arrived safely and as you can see, he is surrounded by hardend Indians who will guide him through these trechorous waters.

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