Monday, June 30, 2008

A tribute to Austin Woulfe

I dedicate this blog to my good friend Austin Woulfe. You may be scratching your head at this stage but I can tell you that one thing we needed out here was a beach ball to play with in the pool, so I asked Austin to bring one when he comes to Mumbai. To show what a nice person he is, he spent a whole morning going up and down Erdington High Street to try and find this ball without success (why he did'nt pop down to Argos beats me but its the thought that counts). Anway not to be beaten, he asked his daughter to go and find one and she went out and found the ball you see in the picture. So I dedicate this blog to Austin, long may he live and be remembered I shall not forget your kindness (until someone punches a hole in the ball that is), but I can assure you, we will play with this ball in the pool, even in the monsoon, so his time has not been wasted.

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