Wednesday, June 18, 2008

More of week 1

Well everyone what can i say, redundancy is looming and its only right that I look for an alternative career. I may even buy one of these contaptions and enter myself in Dragons Den what would their response be.???? My uncle Amrat mama took me to few shops so that I could do a bit of shopping, afterwards I told him to go back home and I will follow him later since I wanted to look around the shops. But the real reason was so that I could get him out the way so that I could grab hold of a rickshaw driver and get him to allow me to drive it. This was the result, a competent
driver (me that is) who can get you from A to B, you may not reach there in one piece but I reckon I could get you there.

What do you think do I make a good taxi driver? Give me a few more goes and I'll be an expert.