Friday, August 15, 2008

Retailer Jewer Awards + Family are comming

Here we are its 10th Aug (I think) and just before Rajani and the kids come I thought I'd treat myself to the Retail jeweler award ceremony 2008, if you have NDTV, it will be shown on 30th Aug 2008.

The begining bit is boring but the finale is nice

This is the finale just some of the 49 size zero's modelling expensive jewelry

Heres a few more or are they the same?

These are different, unfortunately, I cant get all 49 in with my camera.

I guess this can only happen in India

Yes they sure do look expensive and the jewelry

I tried to find out the cost of these jewelry but no luck unfortunately

Well thats enough of that, lets move on to a patriotic topic.

Its 15th August and its Independance day, the ITC have invited all guests to hoist the flag, however they only told us this early in the morning and I had just 10 mins to get ready, hence the scruffy appearance

And yes it seems that I was the only guest who atteneded the ceromony, not very many patriotic guests by the looks of things.

I guess its nice that ITC are doing this.

As its indep\zaA\endance day, the ITC also hired out their hall free of charge to a charity for nder privaliged children, where they laid on food and entertainment throughout the day, the show was nice but I only got to see some of it.

Could not resist a photo with me and Prianka been as this is my last day, and this is what I wore to work that day.

Oh, I almost forgot, as it was a Friday, I invited Lin and Manisha to dinner and to meet my wife Rajani, and judging from this picture, I don't think that Rajani on the left is looking that pleased, neither is Lin come to think of it. Oh well you can't please them all.

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