Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Mahabalishwa + and a bit of Mumbai

Here we are on the first leg of our 2 week holiday in India, first stop is a hill station called Mahabalishwa, where as you can see you can see some breath taking scenery, its 16/08/2008

Whilst in Mahabalishwa we experienced all 4 seasons in one day

Kids in the play area

Me and the kids

A family shot on route to Mahabalishwa

Kids with mum

A spot of horse riding

Mother and daughter shot

Nice scenery without people

A very reluctant Shivani

Now we are backtracking, this is the Sanjay Ghandi National Park, as you can see a family of 5 have no need for a car, they can all fit in on a motor bike and get about safely.

Mum and shivani outside a garden

An even more reluctant shivani having a photo with me, I get the feeling she don'y like me

Mum & kids somewhere in Mumbai

Me and anand outside the gateway to India.

Us in a tree house at national park

Shivani's face says it all

I was threatening to push Shivani of the tree house

Shivani pinching mum

1 comment:

Glennis said...

Nice photos. Greetings from New Zealand.
I wonder why the little girl was so shy of the camera, I found every Indian child only too eager to get in to photos, even if it was to demand money for doing so!
Enjoy your holiday, India is a wonderful diverse country, surprises at every turn..