Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Its 18/08/2008, and we are on our 2nd leg of our trip, we've now arrived at the city of Aurangabad. Normally finding a hotel would be a piece of cake, but it so happened that this time, the was a sugar plantation conference and all hotels were booked. It took us almost 2 hours to find a decent hotel. anyway, heres a picture of a place we went to in Aurangabad, at the top of this hill is a fort which is where we are heading

This is some well I think at the fort

Anand & Shivani sitting on a fort

Shivani loves hiding in cubby holes, even at home, here shes found a mini cave

An entrance to a garden.
I was the only one who climbed to the very top of the fort, the others were too tired. But no more pictures of this I'm afraid.

Have a look at this, do you think we've made our way to Agra to see the Taj Mahal? Well no surprisingly enough, this is the original Taj Mahal in Aurangabad, its not as spectacular as the one in Agra since the Agra one is made of Marble and this is made of stone, but this one was built before the Taj Mahal, so really the Taj in Agra is a copy.

Mum and kids

The only other difference with this Taj is that its thin compared to its counterpart in Agra.
Well next stop its Ellora caves

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