Friday, August 15, 2008

Retailer Jewer Awards + Family are comming

Here we are its 10th Aug (I think) and just before Rajani and the kids come I thought I'd treat myself to the Retail jeweler award ceremony 2008, if you have NDTV, it will be shown on 30th Aug 2008.

The begining bit is boring but the finale is nice

This is the finale just some of the 49 size zero's modelling expensive jewelry

Heres a few more or are they the same?

These are different, unfortunately, I cant get all 49 in with my camera.

I guess this can only happen in India

Yes they sure do look expensive and the jewelry

I tried to find out the cost of these jewelry but no luck unfortunately

Well thats enough of that, lets move on to a patriotic topic.

Its 15th August and its Independance day, the ITC have invited all guests to hoist the flag, however they only told us this early in the morning and I had just 10 mins to get ready, hence the scruffy appearance

And yes it seems that I was the only guest who atteneded the ceromony, not very many patriotic guests by the looks of things.

I guess its nice that ITC are doing this.

As its indep\zaA\endance day, the ITC also hired out their hall free of charge to a charity for nder privaliged children, where they laid on food and entertainment throughout the day, the show was nice but I only got to see some of it.

Could not resist a photo with me and Prianka been as this is my last day, and this is what I wore to work that day.

Oh, I almost forgot, as it was a Friday, I invited Lin and Manisha to dinner and to meet my wife Rajani, and judging from this picture, I don't think that Rajani on the left is looking that pleased, neither is Lin come to think of it. Oh well you can't please them all.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

I've been stood up but the nights not gone wasted

This is Monday 4/8/08, heres me sunbathing on my own.

This is my yoga teacher Nitin Jain, he's done a sterling job getting my body and mind in shape

Now is'nt this nice, I come home from work and I'm greeted by Sekina, this would never happen in the UK, I have to say India's the best.

Heres us again, I think I'm going to suffer from withdrawl symtoms when I go back to UK.

Sian, if your watching this blog, please make arrangements for me to go back to Mumbai, otherwise I want that teeshirt back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heres my favorite gym receptionist, Prianka, now even my top sparkles, as a receptionist, she's responsible for booking my hair cutting, hair dyeing and massages. How I wish she would massage me instead of bokking it for me, never mind I can only dream, but there again, dreams are a reality here in Mumbai!!!!!!

Meet Clare Penny from Capita Prudential (no theres no spelling mistake in Clare, thats how its spelt), We've had dinner on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, we were due to go clubbing the two of us at Rock Bottom on Wednesday but due to emergency, she had to fly home on Wednesday night, so I've been stood up.

As my luck has it, it just so happens that at the hotel, they were holding a party for Bollywood stars on that wednesday night, heres the press crowding one of the stars.

Too much pushing and shoving amongst the press with my shitty camera in the middle of it all, heres a picture of Shilpa Shetty's arm, thats the best I could get unfortunately

Not sure who this is

Nor do I know who this long legged girl is

Come on Chaya, I know your on holiday in India but help me out, who's she? The press were infactuated with her and your the only person I know who's into all this.

Probably some TV serial actress I guess

Got some names now Megna Naru
famous film actress appeared in Howas

Everyone preparing themselves to go in, but before we do just wait a bit

Who's this in the Rolls Royce?

Yes its no other than Akshay Kumar, he's a real stud as you can imagine with his leapord skin top and for UK SME's who were here, he's the main star in the new Bollywood film comming out 'Singh is King' which you may have seen advertised while you were out here.

Remember him SME's if you don't I'll remind you 'Capita car Capita car', yes he was on guard duty that night making sure that no rift raft get into the party, but obviously when it comes to me, exceptions are made, thanks for letting me in mate.

Heres a front view of the Bollywood stud

Thats how they do it in Mumbai, all Bollywood stars must be surrounded by drop dead gorgeous women to have any sort of respectability

Heres a slightly better view of them, he was talking about a programme similar to UK version of fear factor, where he and these girls were performing various stunts

Theres 8 women there, but only 7 days in a week, he probably has 2 on one day!!!!!!

Heres me getting ready to rub shoulders with some stars

nice, is she a star? Help me out someone, Ah got the name, its Sonali Kulkarni, another actress.

Even nicer

Heaven, no i aint no perv, she is an actress, just dont know her name

Another top night comes to an end, its 2.00am lots of free drink and food, and boy am I glad I got stood up.

It gets better and better even on my own, lots more planned in the comming days.

Monday, August 4, 2008

The lads have gone back to UK and I'm on my lonesome or am I

Well here I am on my own at the hotel, let me start the blog by introducing you to the unsung heros of Mumbai, Naseem on the left and Sandesh on the right, without these guys we would never have got to work and home safely as well as taking us clubbing and back. Respect to you guys, we in the UK love you all for what you've done for us. That goes for Ram and Vechand, who's pictures I dont have

This guy gave an extra twirl to his moustache for this pose, without him, who would open the door for me with class?

Its Saturday afternoon 2/8/08 and I've been out shopping at Bandra. Heres me and Sandesh stopping off at a resturant which is famous for Pau Bhaji and from the taste of it, I can see why it was top notch place.

After shopping, I rang Nishit and I joined him at a wine bar

Here we are, me and Nishit enjoying wine at a wine bar and yes even my glass is sparkling, whats in it?

Heres another shot of us

Let me introduce you to the Sherbunator, how can I describe him? Well think of Chai, then think of him smoking, drinking alcohol eating meat and probably having more than one girlfriend (I aint asked him but he probably has) then think of him being completely off his trolly, thats the best way of describing the sherbunator.

And this is the three of us, getting leggless on wine

And yes those muscles are building up, not by much though!!!!!!!!

Yes we are looking hard, no one can touch us.

After swilling wine its off to Hard Rock (or Harden Rock as our taxi driver calls it) where we are joined by another one of Nishits mates Ram, the night just gets better.

Note the is is womenless night, all lads having fun. Thats the way it should be.

Who says you need women to have fun?

Heres me and Ram looking sensible, which means we ain't had enough to drink.

Heres a mean looking Sherbanator, out to kill

Now you can tell Nishit and I have had a few to drink.

Thats what we look like from below

My manager Nishit on the left, what a top example he is giving to people like me, anyone who doesn't like it, well you can tell what my response is.

Me and Ram with the camera from low down

Thats the Sherbunator's idea

Fun times are here, those guys who went back to the UK, are you jealous?????????

And good times are here to stay

God knows who that China man is, but the Sherbanator doesn't give a shit

Thats Ram holding Nishit's arm back

Were rocking to some music, the wines getting to me now.

Nishit seems to love this pillar

Yea man go for it

Who says we have to be sensible with the boss, you tell em Ram

That Kingfisher didn't last long and thats our Saturday night killed, next its Sunday.

Yes its Sunday morning 3/8/2008, and we are on a city tour arranged by Sekina, first stop is Dhobi Ghat, in India, Industrial washing machines don't exist, Dhobi Gats does

2nd stop Mahatma Ghandi's house, this is one of his rooms

An ariel view of Chapatti beach

Mumbai central railway station, yes it has Victorian look to it.

Sakina at Hanging gardens, nice place to hang out eh.
The end.